Trevor King


Kyoko Sawanobori

Yoshihisa Nakano

Arthur Huang

J.Susie Hwang

This project is created as a part of Akiyoshidai International Art Village Fellowship Program. Akiyoshidai International Art Village(AIAV) is surrounded by the great nature of karst plateau. The area is covered in pitch darkness at night, and its mysterious and serene appearance evokes a certain otherworldly feeling. The minimalist style building designed by an architect Arata Isozaki accommodates ample open spaces where the light and images could be projected. A one-night event of experimentation, Nuit Blanche Akiyoshidai features works of artists from near and far. Through utilizing the spaces around AIAV and vitalizing them with light, the viewers may discover a new charm of Akiyoshidai. Participating Artists: Arthur Huang(video screening) Susie Hwang(installation) Trevor King(installation) Yoshihisa Nakano(video screening) Loreal Prystaj(video screening) Kyoko Sawanobori(video screening) Taeko Tsuda(food/performance) Takako Yamaguchi(video screening) Yukaotani (installation/performance)